Reapers of Unjust [FATE] - Recruiting
Reapers of Unjust [FATE]
-LF Officers
-Guild Hall
-Not Strict/No Requirments
-Kurzick Alliance
Reapers of Unjust [FATE] is so far a small guild. I've been trying to do PvE and PvP because the other 4 members aren't on alot. I'm looking for people to help me out in AB and/or donating Kurzick Factions to the Guild. I will also hold runs, farms, and other Guild Events....but I need guildies. So, will you try us out?
PM Me for any questions, and if you want to join right away...
PM Me your character name, and I will send guild invite the next time I log on...which is usually everynight.